What Does Open Really Mean In the Access Control Industry?

What does open really mean?

As the digital transformation reshapes the landscape of the access control industry, a wave of openness and interoperability is gradually washing over the traditional dominance of proprietary systems. Businesses are now acknowledging the value that lies in embracing this paradigm shift towards more open systems. However, managing this transition requires a clear understanding of what “open” truly means, addressing business considerations, and overcoming resistance to change. In a compelling discussion with access control expert Lee Odess, we delve into the dynamics of this transition and seek to understand the reasons behind the ongoing resistance to it. Discover these insights in our latest blog post.

Defining Openness 

To embark on the path to openness, the access control industry must establish a shared understanding of what “open” truly means. Openness encompasses various interpretations and desires across different regions and stakeholders. A common definition is essential to drive progress on a global scale. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that achieving completely open systems may take a significant amount of time.

“In fact, I think most of us will be dead or retired by the time we see open systems – by definition. What we want as an industry right now is more integrated and the tools to be there, in order to make it more easy and seamless.” explains Lee Odess.

In other words: The industry should focus on integration, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly transition. This approach allows for practical advancements while acknowledging the challenges of achieving full openness. 

Addressing Business Impacts

One significant factor contributing to resistance against this shift is the lack of comprehensive business considerations. Advocates often emphasize technical aspects without fully addressing the impacts on revenue models. Organizations need to understand how they can continue to sustain their businesses within an open and interoperable framework. By providing guidance on the monetization opportunities and demonstrating the long-term benefits, stakeholders will be more receptive to embracing change. 

Overcoming the Fear of the Unknown

“The resistance to change can also stem from a fear of the unknown. Due to the motto: The devil I know is better than the devil I don’t know”, jokes Lee Odess.

Established players may prefer proprietary systems due to their familiarity and understanding of the associated business implications. Instead of finger-pointing, the industry should engage in productive conversations that help legacy players navigate the transition successfully. Bridging the gap between theoretical discussions and practical implementation is crucial to foster adoption. 

Be More Open – In Many Different Ways!

The access control industry can draw inspiration from various sectors that have successfully embraced openness and interoperability. By leveraging APIs and SDK and exploring open standards, we at Tapkey, foster a more open and interoperable ecosystem. More about Tapkey’s openness here

Another aspect worth mentioning is that some industry players are recognizing the need to separate hardware and software components. By treating software as a standalone product and offering access to their hardware, they are adopting a more open approach. 

Conclusion: Transitioning to open systems and achieving interoperability is a complex process that requires time and careful consideration. The access control industry can learn from successful examples in other sectors by prioritizing software integration, exploring open standards, and fostering collaboration.. 

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