“Open Sesame!”
You don’t need any magic to open doors nowadays. Doors, parcel boxes or cars can be unlocked easily via smartphones thanks to smart lock & co. This makes everyday life much easier. Find out why digital access control means more flexibility.
The rapidly increasing digitisation and flexible access systems are constantly causing a stir on the security industry. Not surprisingly, there is a trend towards connecting all security areas.
Off to the cloud
For example, many access solutions can now be connected to alarm and video surveillance systems. In order to link different systems, a central control capability is necessary. That’s why most access solution providers are pushing into the cloud. Tapkey is also designed as an open, smartphone and cloud-based access platform, enabling access control via smartphones and NFC transponders.
Sharing is Caring
The benefits of smart access control include security, saving of time and effectiveness. Secure, because access can be completely monitored. Time-saving, because tedious handing over of keys is not necessary. And effective, because access can be granted at the push of a button. With digital access solutions, you can easily grant temporary access in the app. This in turn offers maximum flexibility and supports business models such as coworking and sharing.
Who of you folks wound the clock?
Digital access solutions are ideal for managing access to distributed sites. Even external service providers—such as cleaners, craftsmen or technicians can get access authorisations. This optimises a lot of processes in the first place. Nice side effect: You will immediately receive confirmation when the work has started on site. Whether in the office, in the field of assisted living or in coworking spaces: Intelligent access systems can often be used for time tracking and make everyday work easier. By using the access protocol in the Tapkey app, you always know who uses your rooms at what time.
Two become one
Tapkey has created an interface (API) that can be easily integrated into vertical industry solutions, such as booking systems like Cobot or OfficeR&D. This option is especially interesting for companies that want to integrate access technology into their own systems. For example, room management systems can be linked per user. Customers will appreciate the all-in-one solution. This in turn allows businesses to act more flexible and focus on their core business.
One thing is clear: Life in the digital world demands more flexibility and mobility. Especially in the field of digital access systems, the use cases go far beyond unlocking of doors.

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