Team Spotlight: Get to know—Emil

Tapkey Spotlight

Emil, our technical support specialist, offers a glimpse into his world. His remarkable patience, coupled with a profound technical affinity, makes him an indispensable pillar of our team. Whether he’s navigating through the jungle of complex problems or leisurely sipping a cup of lemon iced tea (his favourite)—Emil handles every situation not only with finesse, but also with a smile that’s more infectious than a yawn after the third Monday morning meeting.

Hi Emil, thank you for your time. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what your job entails?

Hello! I’m Emil, and I serve as the technical support at Tapkey. My role involves being the go-to person for any incoming queries. Most of my day is spent assisting users who encounter challenges with the Tapkey App. I’m also here to receive suggestions, offer advice, and provide guidance. So, if you ever need anything, just drop me a message. 

What do you like most about your job and what is the biggest challenge?

The aspect I cherish the most is the satisfaction of helping someone. There’s a unique joy in marking a ticket as “resolved.” I also relish the challenge that certain questions present. I also appreciate the challenges that come with some of the questions, such as being able to put myself in the customer’s shoes even though I’m hundreds of kilometres away from them. From there, I need to reconstruct or visualize the case, which can be quite challenging at times.

Can you share the most valuable professional lesson you’ve learned so far?

The most crucial lesson for me has been to maintain patience and composure. There are moments when nothing seems to work, and despite pondering for hours, you’re still clueless. In such cases, it’s sometimes best not to persist stubbornly. Taking a break, even just shutting down the PC for half an hour, and then approaching the problem with renewed energy, can offer new perspectives you’ve never considered before.

What separates Tapkey from other employers?

The most distinctive aspect of Tapkey is the strong teamwork. Here, nobody is a lone warrior. Whenever I have questions, I can immediately turn to my colleagues, confident that someone will assist me. Everyone is committed to ensuring everything functions seamlessly. We also focus on sharing as much knowledge as possible. Personally, I’ve always felt included and supported, and not to mention, our weekly breakfast tradition certainly sets Tapkey apart.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

Besides work, I’m also pursuing a degree in Technical Physics, which consumes a lot of my free time. Hence, my leisure time usually involves experimenting, practising, and learning. However, I also enjoy playing the guitar and indulging in computer games. And whenever I have more extended periods of free time, I love travelling, exploring cities, and experiencing different cultures.

What’s a fun fact about you that many people may not know?

A quirky fact about me is that I used to be better at counting backwards in English than forward. I got that from rocket launches – that dramatic ‘ten, nine, eight…’! It felt like discovering a new world when I finally mastered counting forward in English.

Do you have a motto or personal mantra?

An important realization I’ve had is the value of staying calm and focused. Most problems tend to resolve themselves if you approach them methodically and peacefully. Hasty and uncontrolled actions are generally more harmful than thoughtful and logical steps.

If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

It might sound nerdy, but I’d choose Bernhard Riemann. He was a mathematician who made fascinating contributions, crucial for mathematicians and physicists alike. He laid the foundations for theories in physics, and I think conversing with him would be incredibly enlightening.

Three words to best describe you.

Calm, technically inclined, and helpful.

What is the one thing, you can’t live without?

Lemon iced tea. I can’t explain why, but I absolutely love it. It’s just so good.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Definitely teleportation. The convenience of being anywhere, literally anywhere in the universe, would be phenomenal. Plus, it’d significantly reduce time pressure. No more travel times, meaning I could sleep in longer. The only stress left would be getting my stuff ready.

Favourite book?

Choosing a favourite book is tough, but I’d go with “I, Robot” by Isaac Asimov. It’s a collection of short stories about AI and potential issues, quite different from the movie. Keep in mind, it was written in the ’50s, a time when AI wasn’t even a commonly used term. However, it’s frequently referenced in the sci-fi genre.

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