Why Shared Mobility Calls for Mobile Access Control

Shared Mobility

Mobility is changing; to say the least. New forms of mobility popping up across the globe and car sharing giants merging. Twenty-five years ago, the concept of shared mobility would have been outlandish and would be met with much skepticism. But now it’s in the mainstream.

A study from PWC says that by 2030 more than one in three kilometers driven will be based on one of the many forms of shared driving.¹ With all the changes, many companies and services have come to provide smart and convenient solutions to the modern connected world. And here’s the reason why mobile access control has to be part of it!


Sandra Phillips opened up a discussion of how the future of car sharing hardware will look like. She mentioned that most car sharing vehicles have a card reader attached to the windshield for members to swipe their membership card and enter their vehicle. But today every car sharing provider has its own app to book vehicles and often also to unlock the vehicle. So, why is there still a card reader attached to the windshield? ²

Using your smartphone instead of a card  to unlock the vehicle, is the way to go. The easiest solution would be to allow a third party to develop car sharing functionalities and then integrate them directly into the automakers operating system. WITTE, one of the world’s leading automotive suppliers for vehicle lock systems, integrated our access software into their car sharing box for example.

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Greater Security and Convenience

With the expansion of services such as free-floating or peer-to-peer car sharing and scooter sharing, there are more and more alternatives to private vehicles. Mobile Access will improve user convenience in today’s mobile-first world, as well as make your company look modern and professional.

With mobile access control, customers can be offered authorized credentials to a vehicle just as fast as they can lose that authorized access. The renowned mobile key that has become synonymous with mobile access control solutions can provide the fleet’s manager with more control over the customers access to vehicle while also providing them with real-time updates of the use of these keys. 

To learn more about how your company can help provide secure and convenient digital access control solutions to vehicles, contact us here.

¹ www.pwc.at
² https://www.move-forward.com

How Car Sharing Business Models evolve with Mobile Access

Mobility is undergoing an exciting change. The automation of vehicles is progressing. It’s changing not only the vehicle design but also the way we interact with them. Car sharing operators are developing innovative business models to meet changing mobility needs. Mobile access is playing an increasingly important role here. We will tell you how smartphone-based vehicle access can expand the corporate concept of car sharing providers.

Car Keys as an Obsolescent Model

Experts are sure: The car key is a thing of the past. This is also confirmed by a recent  representative survey on behalf of Bosch. * This survey shows that around 40 percent of respondents could already imagine replacing car keys with a smartphone app. Especially drivers below the age of 40 have had negative experiences with conventional car keys. For example, they don’t know where to put their keys (45 percent of respondents), e.g., when at the swimming pool, they misplace them and take ages to find them again (44 percent), while some have even lost them altogether (38 percent).

Smartphone-based access is a safe and reliable solution for connected services in the automotive industry. The advantages are obvious:

  • Lost keys can be avoided, since fewer people lose their smartphones
  • You can grant access to other people without needing extra keys
  • App-based vehicle access allows fleets to secure all vehicles at the same time

Fleet managers and car sharing providers don’t need to worry about tedious key handovers. They can flexibly grant access authorisations to another person. True to the motto: share vehicles with just one click.

Tapkey Offers Retrofit

Together with WITTE, we have developed a secure car sharing box which is positioned in the car. You register your box with the app and put your car key in the box and the box in the vehicle. It is currently the only retrofittable digital car key solution on the market.

Thanks to our access technology, car sharing providers can complement their mobile app with instant keyless access to vehicles. Older cars can also be equipped with a modern access solution. Retrofit deluxe—inexpensive and easy to install by yourself. No car workshop necessary! Car rental companies, peer-to-peer and free-floating car sharing companies can use our existing hardware—independent of car brands—and serve the market faster.

Step by Step into a Connected World

Disrupt or be disrupted—many companies are confronted with this mantra today. Existing business models will be used for a new industry, a new product or a new service to stay competitive in the marketplace. New technologies have also changed customer behavior in the area of ​​car sharing. This change also enables models that meet these needs.

For example, a fee may be charged to unlock the “access” feature. With the car sharing box, companies can also enable third-party services that complement their own solution. Think of it: Service providers may be granted access to the vehicles, for example car cleaning. Or how about trunk delivery by logistics firms? The open API of Tapkey enables car sharing companies to take a big step towards connected world.

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Access Control

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